Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Needless to say, more needles!

Sigh, what a jab-eriffic day yesterday was. At least this time the two was on the same arm.

I had a great time with Junie at Gurney today. I finally bought 2 pairs of jeans, so that's another one of the checklist!
Watched the last airbender. Bleugh. Honestly, it's an insult to the animated series.
A week and a half left!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tick tock.

Yea, the clock's ticking and I haven't even started to pack. I wonder where to get a winter coat, freezing to death doesn't sound like a very comfortable idea.

I wish Ashveer would hurry up and open his new blog.
It would be great if Vice Pres. Tiffy and Head of Info. Dep. Siput could set up their blog soon, they seem to have so many stories to tell, though largely limited by the little time we have to during our online GOSSIP (gossipy, obsessive, stalker society of inquisitive people) sessions.

Entries to come (eventually, maybe) :
1. Busy Busy (think visa applications, a lot of travel involved)
2. Things I'll miss T.T
Disclaimer: not actual titles for rant posts.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


The 'moment' is finally here! Congrats to all those who achieved their goals!

Monday, August 9, 2010


3 more days people.
AHHHHHHHHHHH----*dies in mid-yell*---!!!!!!
Kidding, partly anyway.

All the best everyone(classmates and those taking CAL)!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jabs @.@

5 needles in 3 days (the 2 day was a break), isn't THAT painful, but all the same... @.@
It isn't very comfortable, having to sleep solely on one's back for the next few days.

Gah, it's really irritating(slow mostly), typing properly with all ten fingers. (In the process of learning, you see)

Not-so-happy Reminder: A week more to you know what.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A satisfyingly Salt-y experience

Pardon the lame title, I blame it entirely on the side-effects of 'boredom'.
It's not that I have nothing to do. The things I have to do just isn't all that exciting.

Just so you know, I not talking typing about sodium chloride.

Movie poster

Main character
Evelyn Salt~Angelina Jolie
Occupation: CIA agent

Evelyn Salt (?)
Occupation: Russian spy?

Are they really the good guys?
Is there an impostor among the agents?

Gah, I'm too lazy to type more. So basically, it's a spy movie, and is a very worthwhile watch. (yes,the unexpectedly unexpected twist in plot or rather, something expected that unexpectedly did not happen)
Don't be fooled by the video advertisement. The movie's way way better. Guaranteed.

Honestly, I have no regrets watching the movie.